The boys made me homemade pizza for my birthday:)

A new cookbook
I found this cookbook at Ikea last time we were there. I really like the design and the recipies seem interesting too!

Adam is making wonderful salmon!

Valentines strawberries anyone?

This is what I call a cheese plate!

Last week I made "semlor" as the tradition says (even though I remembered 2 days too late). What I did realize though is that I actually don't like them so A ate most of them...

Red and White
A nice breakfast in bright colors that gives you energy!

An American fruit cobbler, so yummy!

My modest herbal garden

One of the years first barbecues!

Happy pills from Spain
My very dear friend Natalie brought these happy pills from Spain the other week. I love candy so they disappeared very quickly of course:)

Garden blackberries
Yesterday I made a pie from our first picked garden fruit. We have a 300m2 strip of land in the back full of fruit trees and bushes. The pie was delicious and the blackberries very sweet!

I made this cake for my friend's birthday a couple of weeks ago and since it is midsummer this weekend and it tasted so good I will make it again.
If you feel like making a real midsummer cake here is the recipe:

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
3 eggs
2 1/2 decilitres of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
50 grams of butter
1 decilitre of milk
3 1/2 decilitres of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar until white and fluffy.
Melt the butter and add the milk, mix it with the egg batter.
Mix flour, baking powder and salt and add carefully with the rest.
Pour the batter in a buttered form.
Bake in 175 degrees celsius, for about 25-30 minutes.
Lemon curd :
3 lemons
1 1/2 decilitres of sugar
50 grams of butter
2 tablespoons of potatoe flour
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
Mix peel of 3 lemons with juice from 2 lemons and boil it with sugar and butter.
Put through a strainer.
Mix potatoe flour and juice from the 3rd lemon and add it to the warm liquid.
Whisk the eggs and add them to the liquid, put back on the stove and stir until it becomes thicker.
Pour the lemon curd into a clean bowl and let it cool down.
1 vanilla pod
1/2 decilitre of sugar
2 liters of strawberries
3 decilitres of whippable cream
Cut the cake in 3 layers.
Scrape the vanilla pod and mix with the sugar.
Slice half of the strawberries and mix with the vanilla sugar.
Put the strawberries on the first layer.
Spread the lemon curd on the second layer.
Whisk the cream and add it on top of the cake with the rest of the strawberries.
If you feel like making a real midsummer cake here is the recipe:

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
3 eggs
2 1/2 decilitres of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
50 grams of butter
1 decilitre of milk
3 1/2 decilitres of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar until white and fluffy.
Melt the butter and add the milk, mix it with the egg batter.
Mix flour, baking powder and salt and add carefully with the rest.
Pour the batter in a buttered form.
Bake in 175 degrees celsius, for about 25-30 minutes.
Lemon curd :
3 lemons
1 1/2 decilitres of sugar
50 grams of butter
2 tablespoons of potatoe flour
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
Mix peel of 3 lemons with juice from 2 lemons and boil it with sugar and butter.
Put through a strainer.
Mix potatoe flour and juice from the 3rd lemon and add it to the warm liquid.
Whisk the eggs and add them to the liquid, put back on the stove and stir until it becomes thicker.
Pour the lemon curd into a clean bowl and let it cool down.
1 vanilla pod
1/2 decilitre of sugar
2 liters of strawberries
3 decilitres of whippable cream
Cut the cake in 3 layers.
Scrape the vanilla pod and mix with the sugar.
Slice half of the strawberries and mix with the vanilla sugar.
Put the strawberries on the first layer.
Spread the lemon curd on the second layer.
Whisk the cream and add it on top of the cake with the rest of the strawberries.
Chocolate chip cookies
Mmmm, I made chocolate chip cookies for the first time yesterday and I was surprised how easy it was! I got the recipe from amazing Leila Lindholm's "A piece of cake".

125 grams of soft butter
1 decilitre of sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 decilitres of flour
1/2 decilitre of oatmeal
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
100 grams of dark chocolate
Peal of 1 lime (I took a lemon because I didn't have a lime at home)
Whisk butter and sugar until creamy and add the egg.
Mix flour, oatmeal, baking powder and salt and mix carefully with the butter batter.
Chop the chocolate, grate the lime peal and mix in the dough.
Make the dough into a roll (5 cm in diameter) and roll it in plastic foil. Freeze for about 30 minutes.
Slice the roll into 1 cm thick slices and put them on baking paper on a baking form.
Bake in 180 degrees celsius, for about 10 minutes until golden in the middle of the oven.

125 grams of soft butter
1 decilitre of sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 decilitres of flour
1/2 decilitre of oatmeal
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
100 grams of dark chocolate
Peal of 1 lime (I took a lemon because I didn't have a lime at home)
Whisk butter and sugar until creamy and add the egg.
Mix flour, oatmeal, baking powder and salt and mix carefully with the butter batter.
Chop the chocolate, grate the lime peal and mix in the dough.
Make the dough into a roll (5 cm in diameter) and roll it in plastic foil. Freeze for about 30 minutes.
Slice the roll into 1 cm thick slices and put them on baking paper on a baking form.
Bake in 180 degrees celsius, for about 10 minutes until golden in the middle of the oven.
Delicious birthday/summer cake
It's been a while since I posted any good recipies. It is maybe because I haven't felt like cooking these last weeks do to a lot of stuff happening now and I can't concentrate on standing in the kitchen making food. Anyways, I have made a birthday cake for a very good friend of mine and I really recommend it because it was delicious!
The recipy is from "A piece of cake". The book I talked about HERE yesterday.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
250 grams of soft butter
500 grams of marsipan
5 eggs
1 decilitre of flour
Whisk butter and marsipan until creamy.
Add one egg at a time while whisking.
Then add the flour.
Butter a form and put almond flakes.
Add the batter in the form and bake for about 30 minutes, 175 degrees celsius.
Elderberry cream
4 egg yolks
1/2 decilitre of sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons of corn starch
1/2 decilitre of concentrated elderberry sirup
3 decilitres of whippable cream
Whisk egg yolks and sugar until it becomes white and airy.
Mix the corn starch with the elderberry sirup.
Put the cream to a boil and add the sirup mix.
Add the warm liquid to the eggs.
Pour the mix back into the pot and put to a boil while whisking until it thickens.
Let it cool down.
Put the cream over the cake and decorate with fresh berries.
The recipy is from "A piece of cake". The book I talked about HERE yesterday.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
250 grams of soft butter
500 grams of marsipan
5 eggs
1 decilitre of flour
Whisk butter and marsipan until creamy.
Add one egg at a time while whisking.
Then add the flour.
Butter a form and put almond flakes.
Add the batter in the form and bake for about 30 minutes, 175 degrees celsius.
Elderberry cream
4 egg yolks
1/2 decilitre of sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons of corn starch
1/2 decilitre of concentrated elderberry sirup
3 decilitres of whippable cream
Whisk egg yolks and sugar until it becomes white and airy.
Mix the corn starch with the elderberry sirup.
Put the cream to a boil and add the sirup mix.
Add the warm liquid to the eggs.
Pour the mix back into the pot and put to a boil while whisking until it thickens.
Let it cool down.
Put the cream over the cake and decorate with fresh berries.
Eat Tokyo
One of the reasons why my parents came for a visit was our birthdays. Since we are all celebrating 0's and 5's we went to a really nice restaurant in the contemporary museum PALAIS DE TOKYO in Paris. The food was delicious and the ambiance was modern and relaxed!

Photos by the family Näsström.

Photos by the family Näsström.
Broccoli pie
My broccoli pie tasted better than the cupcakes so I will give you the recipe for this one. Very easy to make, especially if you buy already made pie dough, like I do.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Ready made organic pie dough
500 grams of fresh broccoli
1 leak, chopped
I also added 1/2 a red pepper
2-3 decilitres of grated cheese
1 teaspoon of tarragon
3 eggs
3 decilitres of milk
salt, pepper
Parboil the broccoli in salted water for 5-8 minutes.
Put broccoli, leak, red pepper and tarragon on the piedough.
Add grated cheese on top.
Mix eggs, milk, salt and pepper and add it to the pie.
Bake in the oven, 200 degrees celsius, for about 30 minutes.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Ready made organic pie dough
500 grams of fresh broccoli
1 leak, chopped
I also added 1/2 a red pepper
2-3 decilitres of grated cheese
1 teaspoon of tarragon
3 eggs
3 decilitres of milk
salt, pepper
Parboil the broccoli in salted water for 5-8 minutes.
Put broccoli, leak, red pepper and tarragon on the piedough.
Add grated cheese on top.
Mix eggs, milk, salt and pepper and add it to the pie.
Bake in the oven, 200 degrees celsius, for about 30 minutes.
Pretty but not so yummy
I tried to make cupcakes from a new recipe that I found in a Swedish Elle magazine. It was an article about Paris Hilton cooking her favorite food. Well, I don't think I have the same taste as her because the cupcakes are not good at all! They are too fat, heavy and don't have much taste.
But at least they look pretty...

Photos by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
But at least they look pretty...

Photos by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
"Tea buns"
In Swedish these buns are called "tea buns". I am not sure why but I do know that they are really good! You can also use them as hamburger bread!

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
For 14 buns
50 grams of yeast
1/2 decilitre of oil
5 decilitres of milk
1 tablespoon of honey
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 decilitre of crushed rye
3 decilitres of rye flour
10-11 decilitres of flour
1 egg
Heat up oil and milk until finger warm.
Put the yeast in a bowl and add the warm liquid.
Let the yeast disolve and add honey, salt, crushed rye, rye flour and most of the flour.
Work until the dough lets go of the bowl's edges.
Let it rest for 30 minutes.
Cut it into 14 pieces and make "flat buns".
Put on baking plate and let them rest for another 30 minutes.
Brush the buns with a beaten egg.
Bake in 225 degrees celsius for 12-15 minutes.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
For 14 buns
50 grams of yeast
1/2 decilitre of oil
5 decilitres of milk
1 tablespoon of honey
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 decilitre of crushed rye
3 decilitres of rye flour
10-11 decilitres of flour
1 egg
Heat up oil and milk until finger warm.
Put the yeast in a bowl and add the warm liquid.
Let the yeast disolve and add honey, salt, crushed rye, rye flour and most of the flour.
Work until the dough lets go of the bowl's edges.
Let it rest for 30 minutes.
Cut it into 14 pieces and make "flat buns".
Put on baking plate and let them rest for another 30 minutes.
Brush the buns with a beaten egg.
Bake in 225 degrees celsius for 12-15 minutes.
Spinach soup with apple pancakes
If you don't have a lot of time but want to make something tasty and healthy this recipe is perfect!
The soup takes ten minutes, the pancakes a bit longer but if you are really in a hurry you can skip them.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Spinach soup
for 2 people
5 decilitres of vegetable stock broth
200 grams of frozen spinach
2 tablespoons of Maizena (Corn flower)
1 decilitre of cream
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
salt, pepper
Put the broth to a boil. Add the frozen spinach.
Add the Maizena mix and the cream.
Taste with sugar, salt, pepper and thym.
Serve with boiled eggs.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Apple pancakes
for 2 people
2 decilitres of flour
4 decilitres of milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of sugar
a little bit of salt
1 apple
Mix all the ingredients for the batter.
When you put batter on the pan, add a slice of apple on top of every pancake.
Serve with icing sugar and cinnamon.
I also added my mother's home-made blackberry jam, mjam!
The soup takes ten minutes, the pancakes a bit longer but if you are really in a hurry you can skip them.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Spinach soup
for 2 people
5 decilitres of vegetable stock broth
200 grams of frozen spinach
2 tablespoons of Maizena (Corn flower)
1 decilitre of cream
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
salt, pepper
Put the broth to a boil. Add the frozen spinach.
Add the Maizena mix and the cream.
Taste with sugar, salt, pepper and thym.
Serve with boiled eggs.

Photo by Anna Nasstrom, The Modern Housewife.
Apple pancakes
for 2 people
2 decilitres of flour
4 decilitres of milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of sugar
a little bit of salt
1 apple
Mix all the ingredients for the batter.
When you put batter on the pan, add a slice of apple on top of every pancake.
Serve with icing sugar and cinnamon.
I also added my mother's home-made blackberry jam, mjam!