Security police

Viggo became part of the security police at the airport.

We're going to Miami...

When in Florida we visited Miami.
We went to the Perez art museum, a beautiful building with plenty of interesting art!
We also went to the neigbourhood Wynwood where there is graffitti all over the place, very impressive!

More Florida...


Adam 's birthday!

When we were in Florida Adam turned 40!!!

World cup

Viggo and Adam are watching the world cup at the hotel in Florida.

Our hotel in Florida

No,it is not a boat but a building:) We stayed at the Sheraton in Fort Lauderdale.

Viggo loves ice cream!


Viggos new haircut


A happy Viggo!


Poor little man is sick...


Viggo and his cars!



Last month we went on vacation to Florida! It was the first "real" vacation we have had in a really long time. It was nice, relaxing and warm:)

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