Sweat shop
I love sewing and knitting (even though I am not very good at it, but training makes you good right!?). Today I found out that there is a sewing/coffee shop in Paris called SWEAT SHOP. You can rent a sewing machine, learn how to knit, have a coffee with organic muffins, perfection your French or English... Definitely worth a visit!
Thank you Anne-Lise for the tip:)

Thank you Anne-Lise for the tip:)

Protect your books
If you feel that your books are not harmonious in color or you simply think they are too precious, then here is the solution. BOOK CITY JACKETS is a company that print their modern versions of the classical paper bag book cover. They say themselves that "We turn books into a new kind of affordable art". Which I find is true, because although many books are beautiful graphically, there are also lots that you just want to hide deep in your closet.
And by the way, I really like their name, how they make "jackets" for books, very clever and fun!

Photos from Book City Jacket's website.
And by the way, I really like their name, how they make "jackets" for books, very clever and fun!

Photos from Book City Jacket's website.
Dress your coathanger
If you have metal coathangers that are very thin and easily damage your clothing there is an easy solution. Make "clothing" for your coathangers and they will not only protect, but your coathangers will also look so much better!

Nice magnetic board
Today it will be a short post because I have been home staging all day and I don't feel quite well tonight. But here is a little idea what you can do with a boring white magnetic board. Choose a fabric that you like and glue it on to your board. Very simple and nice!

Make a boring contact much more design.
I found this great idea on a Dutch website (which adress I have unfortunately forgotten...). I don't think it is too difficult to make either. You just have to make sure that the material you use won't burn.

Crocheting in your interior.
When you do crocheting it is normally to make a cardigan or a hat for the winter. But why not crochet a lamp shade? I think I would do some different and modern pattern though that will take away a bit of the grandma feeling.

Cheap vases
I love fresh herbs such as basil and mint to put in the dishes I make and I thought that the idea of cans made into vases was a really good idea. If you don't want to spend much money on your herbal garden this is perfect! All you need are some cans and nice paper that you can glue on to them.

Ikea hacking
Ikea has very nice designs to a low price but when you have so much furniture from there that it feels like you live in the store it could be fun to personalise a bit. I found THIS blog where there is plenty of ideas. There is a lot of less interesting stuff but also really nice changes. I also found THIS website where designers have taken items from Ikea and made them into something else. Here are a few ideas.


Images from PLATFORM21.NL


Images from PLATFORM21.NL
Something warm in the cold.
With very little material and time you can make your stool sitting friendly for the winter. If you have a bit more time and money you can opt for the version to the right.

Every cat's dream
When I saw this amazing cat shelf I right away thought about my two cats and how much they would love it. Since we are trying to move within the near future, this will be a project for our new home though, so India and Maya has to wait a little bit longer to climb on the walls.

Colorful legs
If you have a tight budget but still want to change something in your interior I found this great idea. Take your old chairs and paint their legs in different colors. It will bring some happiness to your interior and that could be usefull now that it has turned grey and rainy outside.

Personnalized bed
I found this image when I was searching inspiration for our future bedroom. It is a perfect way to personnalize your bed without spending a lot of time. So take out your needle and thread and embroider whatever inspires you.

Original coat hanger
A branch can serve as many things and one of them is as a coat hanger. I thought that this was a brilliant idea to add to a very pure interior with different kinds of details from nature.

The idea of the day : Magazine wallpaper
I thought this magasin wall is a really good idea, especially for a room where you need a lot of inspiration such as in your office.