Eatable pantone
I love this idea of making something eatable using the pantone colors! On top of that the styling is really great!

Design : Emilie Guelpa

Le Parfait...encore!
I already wrote about the online magazine LE PARFAIT HERE, but going there the other day, I saw that they have published a lot of new recipies and other articles. I can't tell you how much I like this magazine, I know, I already said it, but it is worth repeating! Go and take a look and get inspired by their summer drinks, vanilla inspiration and tips for the perfect girl party!

Screen shot from Le Parfait.

Screen shot from Le Parfait.
Good statement
I have been bloging a lot about interior design lately (and I will continue:) so I thought it was time to cut of with something a bit different. I love this statement! It is funny and very true! There are so many bad ads out there that you just want to cry! You get lost in the ad jungle and don't remember any of them! That is why it feels so good when there is one that stand out by its originality or beauty or funniness... Funny enough, Swedish ads are really good (at least comparing to what we have to see here in France on an everyday basis). They are good at putting a touch of humor and something unexpected into the context!

Russian graphics
ALEXEY HATTOMONKEY has made funny packaging for milk. If I was a child, I would only want to drink milk coming out of these cartons! Go and check out some of his other work! His website is only in Russian at the moment but it's quite easy to find your way around.

Photos from Alexey Hattomonkey's website.

Photos from Alexey Hattomonkey's website.
Le Parfait!
Oh, if you only knew how happy I am, having found this online magazine!!! LE PARFAIT is so me and I love everything about it, the graphics, the recipies, the spirit... Just look at these screenshots from the first issue. Doesn't it give you inspiration to try all the recipies!

Images from Le Parfait's website.

Images from Le Parfait's website.
Funny business cards
If you are setting up a business like me (will tell you more about it when it is a bit more advanced), it is of course very important to have a business card. Here is some inspiration if you feel like going a bit crazy and stand out from all the others out there.

Interesting calender
Here is a funny way to show that we are one day closer to christmas. The calender that eliminates the days by shredding them. Graphically it is perfect but maybe a bit drastic for my taste. I am more of a person who keeps calenders and agendas for years. I never look in them but they are there just in case...

Olle Eksell
Here comes some eye candy from the Swedish graphic designer OLLE EKSELL who unfortunately don't exist among us anymore but his graphic design keep on living.

Vintage collage
It's been a while since I wrote something about graphics. I was sitting yesterday in my livingroom looking at my walls and I relized that they are quite empty. Since we are hopefully going to move soon (cross my fingers) I am not going to do anything about it. Although we have to invest in some art or other for the new house. These collages are absolutely something that I could consider hanging up. The only problem is that I have forgotten where they come from, but with a little bit of imagination, it should be possible to do something.

Graphics inspiration
I went on the net to look for some graphics inspiration and I found quite a lot of interesting projects. The least you can say is that I have some serious competition...








Lotta Kuhlhorn by Retro
LOTTA KUHLHORN is a Swedish graphic designer who have done a collection for your home with RETRO.ETC. Lotta's trademark is colorful graphic elements where fruit and vegetables play a big role.

Masking tape in every color
LES FLEURS is a French online shop that sells all kinds of nice and interesting things such as mini porcelain animals, objects with dots on them and these nice and colorful masking tapes.
The shop is definitely worth a visite!

The shop is definitely worth a visite!

Jen Stark
I discovered JEN STARK quite a while ago with her beautiful paper sculptures. What I didn't know though is that she also makes amazingly detailed illustrations. The multitude of colors makes you think of her sculptures yet it is a much less organized world with a whole spectrum of dreams.

Photo from Jen Stark's website.

Photo from Jen Stark's website.

Photo from Jen Stark's website.

Photo from Jen Stark's website.

Photo from Jen Stark's website.