Yosuke Goda
Japanese artist Yosuke Goda is creating mural illustrations with only a black marker. Quite amazing if you ask me!

East/Lovisa Burfitt
Anyone who lives in Stockholm, or even Sweden, must know about restaurant EAST! But for you who are outside of the Swedish borders, this might be a nice discovery! Illustrater LOVISA BURFITT has covered the walls of East with beautiful, dynamic, fashion like illustrations. I love the ambiance it gives the place and the contrast between a bit crazy creations with the sophisticated Asian menu! The restaurant is breathing a mix of Graphic Scandinavian style and Japanese thinking!

Images from Lovisa Burfitt's website.

Images from Lovisa Burfitt's website.
Liselotte Watkins
I have been a big fan of LISELOTTE WATKINS for many years now. She is very much a part of today's society and she manage to capture the modern and trendy fashion world at this very moment.
Everything is respected, from the trendy person at the moment to the colors of the season.

Illustrations by Liselotte Watkins.
Everything is respected, from the trendy person at the moment to the colors of the season.

Illustrations by Liselotte Watkins.
Cecilia Carlstedt
There are a few illustrators who's work I really appreciate and one of them is CECILIA CARLSTEDT. She has an amazing style with beautiful colors and the choice of paper makes the illustrations so much more interesting.

Photos from Cecilia Carlstedt's website.

Photos from Cecilia Carlstedt's website.