New office
Finally after months of cleaning, organizing, throwing things out, putting up furniture, our office is now done! I am quite happy with it! It feels airy, neutral and white:)

I have read yet another really good book, "Niceville" by Kathryn Stockett. It's about America in the end of the 1950's, beginning of 1960's and the colored helpers and their white employers. I recommend it warmly.

A big "bobo"
Oh la la, this morning I got really scared. Viggo lost his balance and fell straight on his face. He started to cry of course but it is already better and I think it looks worse than it is. Falling and hurting himself is a part of being a child but when it happens it feels very dramatic.

Viggo is organizing his little animals

Playing with play do

Viggo & Tata

Viggo & Mamma

Here is the new stroller

We are ready for the winter

Viggo has discovered a new cupboard

Viggo loves little round objects...

Winter was here (for 1 day...)

I have found a new seating area

I have found a tent

I am walking around the table


Having fun before bedtime

I can hold the bottle by myself

Yet another mumin troll

Viggos first book
I have made a fabric book for Viggo. It was a lot of fun and will try and make some more once I have time and a sewing machine that is not broken...

Sweden Autumn 2012
I am soo bad at updating here, no time and a million things to do... Here are a few photos from our trip to Sweden though. It was a lot of fun with a surprise that I will post about a little later:)