A new haircut
I cut Viggos hair for the first time. You can tell that I am not a hairdresser but at least he doesn't get any hair in his ears anymore...
Here is an before and after photo.

New lamps
Yesterday we went to Ikea and we found these fun lamps to hang in the garden. Now we have some summer feeling outside:)

Viggo is reading

A new creation
Here is yet another of my little creations, pink this time.

Winter wonderland
Last week it looked like this outside our windows. This little snow made such a chaos in this country that my A couldn't get to work on tuesday...

A surprise in the mail
The other day I received a big envelope in the mail. In it was a pair of ear rings from my sister. They are made from some kind of a seed. Aren't they cute !?

A pimped potty
Viggo has gotten a potty. We will try and train him slowly. So far he likes to sit on it with clothes on but not without, one step at a time:) I thought the potty was a bit boring looking so I pimped it with some glittery stickers. We'll see how long they will last.

Viggos new shoes
Today we bought Viggo some spring shoes. Yesterday it was 16 degrees so spring feels close (even if it is only 6 degrees today...). I know that they are white and will probably get dirty fast, but they are soo cute:)

Viggo in a nice body from his God mother

Viggo has a new friend
Say hello to Viggos new friend. I have made him a little animal (feel free to interpret what it is:). Viggo is still getting to know him as you can see.


A new kleenex box
I am so tired of seeing the ugly kleenex boxes everywhere so I decided to make a cover for the one in Viggos room yesterday.

Birthday gifts
And this is what I got for my birthday. I am really happy with the gifts!!!

My birthday
Last sunday it was my birthday and I had a wonderful day with my two boys!
We went to a restaurant in Boulogne for lunch.

Viggo got to ride a carousel for the first time.

We went to Versailles for a walk.

A made me pancakes, yummy!

And he had bought me a really nice cake.

A happy Viggo!