Day 1 / Ground preparation
When we came the night of the first day to see what they had done we were really surprised how much they had gotten done!
All the ground preparation was done and markers had been put out to show where the foundation stilts should be.
Where the old foundation is there was a part of a wall left from the old house that they removed.
They had also dug a hole for the septic tank between the house and the sewer.

This is where the old house wall used to be.

The hole for the septic tank.
All the ground preparation was done and markers had been put out to show where the foundation stilts should be.
Where the old foundation is there was a part of a wall left from the old house that they removed.
They had also dug a hole for the septic tank between the house and the sewer.

This is where the old house wall used to be.

The hole for the septic tank.