Friday mood / Gourmand dinner
This weekend we are having a couple of friends over for dinner. One of them is a chef and we have decided that the men will cook and the girls will enjoy being served! This will also give my fiancee an opportunity to learn good cooking from a very talented chef!
So by by women's work and hello being spoiled for a few hours:)

Photo Claudia Goetzelmann.
So by by women's work and hello being spoiled for a few hours:)

Photo Claudia Goetzelmann.
Friday mood / Light
This week has been a bit odd. My fiancee was sick half the week and stayed home from work. This felt really strange to me since I am used to being alone during the week. I guess you get habits really fast.
Now I am sick so todays theme is to take everything slowly and light because we have a busy weekend ahead of us and I don't want to miss it!

Photo by Per Zennström.
Now I am sick so todays theme is to take everything slowly and light because we have a busy weekend ahead of us and I don't want to miss it!

Photo by Per Zennström.
Friday mood / New frame
I love this poster by STUDIO VIOLET. Unfortunately it fell down from the wall one evening and the frame broke in two pieces. So this weekend it will be of to Ikea to get a new one so that I can put up my favorite poster again.

Photo Anna Nasstrom/The modern housewife.

Photo Anna Nasstrom/The modern housewife.
Friday mood / French king
Every January there is a tradition (Galette de Roi) in France where you eat a delicious cake with a small porcelain figure inside. The person who gets the figure in their piece of cake becomes the king. I am not exactly sure about the history of this tradition but I am happy that it exist because the cake is really good!

Friday mood / Merry Xmas!
This will be my last post for the year because from tomorrow I will take two weeks vacation and go with my fiancee to visit his family in Poland. It is the first time I am celebrating christmas in Poland so I am very excited! At the same time I will miss my family and the Swedish traditions!
Have a really Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!!
See you the 4 of January next year!

Design Anna Nasstrom.
Have a really Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!!!
See you the 4 of January next year!

Design Anna Nasstrom.
Friday mood / Lucia
On sunday it is Lucia and we are going to the Swedish church to enjoy seeing Lucia and listening to the nice songs they are singing. I hope that she will look a bit more fresh though than the one that Jean Paul Gaultier styled for Absolut a few years ago.

Friday mood / Autumn in december
This weekend is supposed to be very nice and sunny so I hope that we will have some time to spend outside. Apart from that it will be a big interiors inspiration weekend because we are going to a huge shopping center specialized in interior design stores.

Photo Leonard Gren

Photo Leonard Gren
Friday mood / Christmas is approaching
So this weekend it is the first of advent. It is time to take out the advent candles, drink Swedish "glögg" and make safran bread! On top of that the Swedish church in Paris has a christmas market and I think we'll stop by to see what they have.
Have a good first of advent!

Have a good first of advent!

Friday mood / International
This weekend will be quite international. Tomorrow me and my fiancee will make sushi for the first time and on sunday I will make a Swedish lunch for a couple of French friends.
Happy weekend!

Photo Denise Grunstein.
Happy weekend!

Photo Denise Grunstein.
Friday mood / stay zen.
I am really tired at the moment for some reason (it might be the weather) so this weekend is going to be a calm weekend with warm tea in front of a good movie and why not a relaxing bath.

Photo Henry Bourne.

Photo Henry Bourne.
Friday mood / Movie weekend
I am hoping that my man will buy the cheap cinema tickets from his job today so that we can live at the cinema this weekend. It is not really because there are a lot of good movies out there but more the fact that I really feel like sitting in a dark room dreaming away in stories that are something else than reality. I think this wish might have something to do with the winter approaching and everything being grey (although today I canät complain with the sun that is shining...).

Photo of the beautiful French actress Isabelle Huppert by Len Prince.

Photo of the beautiful French actress Isabelle Huppert by Len Prince.
Friday mood / Vintage wedding
I don't have time to write a lot today because my friend is going to pick me up soon. This weekend though will be a mix of Vintage inspiration and wedding invitations. A good weekend in other words.

Friday mood / Cold
This is a friday mood that I hope will change during the weekend. I am soo cold because we dont have any heat in our appartment even though it is the 23 of October and cold outside. The owner decided to change the heating system and there has been some complications with the electricity company so here I am sitting in Siberia feeling as if I have a thin layer of snow on my skin...

I unfortunately don't remember who has taken these photos but I love them!

I unfortunately don't remember who has taken these photos but I love them!
Friday mood / busy busy
This weekend is going to be a busy but very fun weekend. Starting tonight with a rendez vous with a construction builder. We are looking to build a house and it takes a lot of time. Sometimes it feels like I should clone myself to have time with everything. But I am not complaning because it is a lot of fun to plan for our future home!

Cover of one of Hotel Coste's albums.

Cover of one of Hotel Coste's albums.
Friday mood / Of we go...
I will start my weekend a bit earlier this week, in a couple of hours to be more precise. My fiancee and I are going south to spend a romantic weekend next to the mountains. The best is that it is free because there will be a car fair that my fiancee has to go to so his company pays for it!
Have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

Photo Thomas Hawk.
Have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

Photo Thomas Hawk.
Friday mood / suitcases
I will just leave you with this photo and say no more. It has something to do with this weekend but I don't want to say anything yet because then I risk jinxing it...

Photo Daniela Stallinger.

Photo Daniela Stallinger.
Friday mood / neighbours
We are lucky to have a neighbour that is helpful, nice and that loves cats (which has saved us many times when we needed to go somewhere). This weekend it will be sunday lunch on the floor below.

Friday mood / Paint party
This weekend we are going to a paint party at our Dutch friends. They just bought a big house that needs to be taken care of a little bit and they had the brilliant idea of inviting all there friends to help them. Maybe this is an idea that will inspire you to do something similar.

Photo Denise Grünstein

Photo Denise Grünstein
Friday mood
Today it is time to organize the work space at home. This is what it will hopefully look like when I am done.