Winter is here!

Our new house
Here is our new house that we are renting in Birmingham. It is a cute little house and it has a beautiful Japanese maple tree in the front!

While we were in Sweden we also did a little trip to Copenhagen, one of my favorite cities!

Sweden Autumn 2013
Here is a summary in photos of our stay in Sweden.

Happy birthday my amazing husband!

Thinking of you
My beloved Grandma has past away! She was a colorful person with lots of caracter and no fear. Her last moments were beautiful and I know that she is in a serene place now. Rest in peace my dear Mormor!

Photo from when we visited her in October last year.
Pretty flowers!

Spring is here, better later than never

A funny India:)

This happened quite a while ago but look what came with the mail from my parents...The book about our famous soccer player! I'm excited to read it, I just have to finish the Grey triology first...

Winter wonderland
Last week it looked like this outside our windows. This little snow made such a chaos in this country that my A couldn't get to work on tuesday...

A surprise in the mail
The other day I received a big envelope in the mail. In it was a pair of ear rings from my sister. They are made from some kind of a seed. Aren't they cute !?

Birthday gifts
And this is what I got for my birthday. I am really happy with the gifts!!!

My birthday
Last sunday it was my birthday and I had a wonderful day with my two boys!
We went to a restaurant in Boulogne for lunch.

Viggo got to ride a carousel for the first time.

We went to Versailles for a walk.

A made me pancakes, yummy!

And he had bought me a really nice cake.

Last week is was real winter here with snow! Me and Viggo were really happy!

A beautiful baptism
Last sunday we went to a beautiful Rumanian orthodox baptism. The church was amazing, all in wood and every centimeter of the walls was decorated. It was a bit of a challenge to get there though because this is what the highway looked like in the morning...

Nice chocolate
I just have to show you this beautiful chocolate that my sister and her fiancee brought from Sweden this christmas.

Galette du roi
As every year we have been eating the traditional French cake "galette du roi". There is a small thing inside and if you get it you have luck for the new year. I got it this time!

A new coffee machine
While my sister was here they bought a new coffee machine, a "syphone" coffee machine. Isn't it cool...? It looks like a small laboratory:)

Magic gifts
There is a really high end outlet in the east of Paris that sells Ralph Lauren, Kenzo, Gucci and all those fancy brands. They had really nice christmas decorations outside!