Garden blackberries
Yesterday I made a pie from our first picked garden fruit. We have a 300m2 strip of land in the back full of fruit trees and bushes. The pie was delicious and the blackberries very sweet!

Outside work
A has vacation now, not a very lazy one though cause he has been working outside everyday, inventing solutions, digging, preparing... Here are some examples of what he has been up to the last week or so.

Making the under layer of the terrasse waterproof and preparing the side of the future terrasse.

Putting geo textile around the house.

Putting a grill under the house so that no animals can go under there.

Digging and leveling the ground for the walkway. He started by building the corner of the house.
(Almost) a new couch
Our cats have unfortunately completely destroyed our couch cover so when we moved I decided to order a new one from Bemz. It arrived last week and I put it on yesterday. It feels like we have a new couch now! Later we will get another couch for the livingroom and we will put this one in the guestroom as it can also serve as a bed.

Cleaning up
Look how nice and tidy A has cleaned up the garage! He also organised all the garbage that we have to throw out. Before it was lying in one huge pile and it was a complete mess!

Our kitchen is advancing slowly but surely.

We recieved our beautiful oven that integrates perfectly in the kitchen friday so now I can make plenty of delicious cakes:)
We still have to install the extractor hood, put on facades on the dishwasher and the fridge/freezer, put up the plinths, get the permanent table top (for now we have a simple one from Ikea, this will later become one out of stone) and finish the back of the kitchen island. A lot left in other words but everything functions and that is the important part!

Bathroom upstairs
The bathroom is also practically done.
A mirror and lighting is missing, the towel heater is not hooked up, we still have to put silicon around the bathtub and a part of tile is missing next to the bathtub. Put apart from that, it looks pretty done to me!

Our bedroom
Finally things are starting to get together. My mother in law has been here for 10 days and she has helped us a lot. Yesterday we moved into our bedroom after having slept on the floor in another one.
The closet is up, the bed is in place and the curtains are hanging (even though I am not very happy about the solution for the window to the left...)
The details are left to do (get bedstands, make a headboard, finish the floor, decorate the walls...) but for now I am happy, the rest will come with time.